Saturday, May 16, 2015

Referendum 2015

I’ll start by saying, like good auld Chomsky, I’m probably a sort of libertarian socialist (and a contrarian one at that). I don’t even think we should have countries. I’m like someone arguing about the finer points of theology while being a bona fide atheist - you can disregard me!
Granted 35 is a a pretty silly threshold for presidency. But then so is 21. The rationale of bringing it down to 21 is IMO a general zietgeisty inclination toward equality and liberalism. I think this is a positive, albeit futile, motivation. As far as I can see it's just the government flashing a progressive, reformist liberalism to get young voters on board for the election. Instead of actually doing anything that is going to have a real socio-political impact they get their kudos for a smidgen of clerical alteration.
{tangent!}To be honest I feel similarly about the marriage referendum. I’ll be voting YES but I irritates me that Fine Gael assholes get to wring their hands on Tv and radio about equality and civil rights all the while propagating a system that protects the rich. At the end of the day allowing gay marriage doesn't affect anyone's pocket and the good Christians in Fine Gael won’t be exposing the conservative members of their electorate to two gay men kissing in a church. {end tangent!}
With the presidential age limit I have no major issue with either result. I think it’s unlikely that any individual in their early 20’s having the profile, statesmanship, or charisma to win a presidential election. The only (horror show!) scenario I can think of where this could occur is if some celebrity (sports star, pop star, reality TV contestant) threw their hat in the ring. I’d also be as cautious about letting 16 year olds vote for one of those morons as I would a full grown adult and I’m not sure I have enough faith in CSPE class and the Irish education system to meet the challenge.
Actually as I write this I’m worrying myself. 

Remember Sean would-have-won-if-it-wasn’t-for-a-rogue-tweet Gallagher? Remember that T-shirt he wore with his grinning baldy head emblazoned with the slogan ‘AS SEEN ON TV’S DRAGONS DEN’? :) Ok.. That bit never happened, but you get my drift. All's fair in love and satire.
So, as I see it, the argument for lowering age limits in this area is as follows.
(Q) Why lower voting or candidature ages? (A) So that more people have a say.
Ipsy facty! in order to placate my own liberal ideology and to follow the kernel of this argument to its conclusion the age limit should just be removed. If you take it that far, rather than simply choosing another arbitrary figure - 21 (it's a societal convergence and could just as easily be eleventyone) - the sensible conclusion would be to just forget the candidature limit even exists. If the electorate of Ireland think a presidential candidate is too young.. Fair enough don’t vote for her/him. There’s no need to legislate for it. Basically if I were the boss I would allow heuristics to take care of it. Rhetorically - Would you like pragmatism to be enforced as a law (age limit) or to exert itself in the wild?

{tangent!}Voting age limits are far more difficult and thinking about it raises a whole slew of philamahsopical issues. If there was no limit children could vote. If heuristics we’re to reign a lot of kids wouldn't bother or would be manipulated by their parents (to be honest we’re all manipulated regardless of age, advertising aka propaganda wins elections and 9/10 times the crew with biggest war chest prevails). Worst of all I can imagine a dystopian future where kids are being canvassed by the teletubbies.. Dipsey says NO! :)
So if you want to philosophically support a progressive agenda in terms of voting age you don’t have many options. How about we employ a mass of neuroscientists and behavioural psychologists (we could round ‘em up backstage at a TED conference or something) :). They could convince us of the cognitive thresholds required for suitably independent decision making. You could then have a weighting system based on age. For instance 5 year old's could get a fraction of a vote. Of course the brain is markedly less plastic after about 26 or so depending on which faction of our specialists win maybe after 26 your vote weighting begins to taper off as your mature IQ begins to drop. Hold on! that sounds like another dystopian nightmare.. Dammit. {tangent end}
Maybe there is a cosy middle ground but I don’t have the imagination or optimism for it. As it stands I’d say most western governments would be happy to footer about with voting ages till the cows come home, ‘whatever you wants guys..’ they’ll earnestly purr . I don’t think it’s going to improve our societies while they remain in their currents models of capitalism and faux democracy.